
Within the International Permaculuture CoLab there are numerous projects, each with their own teams, operating autonomously within circles and working groups. Some projects receive or have received grant funding, some operate within financially sustainable microenterprises, and some are operated by volunteers.

If you are interested to find out more about getting involved in any of the below projects you can find out more about joining the colab here.

Permaculture Glossary

African Landless Permaculturist Project: Ikhwelo Healers Collective

Permaculture in Africa

Tepla Gora Eco Market

Next Steps Project

Domestic Waste Water Systems – Legislation?

Permaculture Places in the Metaverse

Stories to Decolonise Permaculture

Communicating Permaculture in Spanish

CoLab Podcast

Designing Work Spaces For All

Permaculture Convergence Aggregator

Re-evaluation Counselling Scholarship Fund

Community Platform Facilitation

Skill Mapping

Diversity and Decolonization Community Pot

Emergent Festival

Welcoming and Community Garden Conversations

Communications, Outreach and Engagement

Open Badges / ICAAFs Project

Digital Circle Provision of Services to the CoLab

Impact and Evaluation Support for Community-Based Permaculture Projects

Global Permaculture Movement Map

Practical Solutions Research and Development

Inclusive Organisational Technology Research

Digital Products Research and Development

General Circle Incubation


NONAME Network Weaving

Learn Team

Minimum Viable Academy (CoLab Training)

PermR’s case studies

Convergence Research


Global South Permaculture Network

Possible Futures

CoLab Ecosystem’s Event Economy

CoLab Permaculture Design

CoLab Social Mapping

Communication Guild

Funding Circle incubation

Translation Circle Incubation

Online Learning Platform and Educator Commons Collaboration

Join the movement!

Perma Earth 2022 | Developed by The Digital Circle | Hosted by Webarch