Permaculture Principles

Permaculture principles have long been used as examples of what Permaculture looks like, and how a sustainable way of doing things works in real life, often inspired by how ecosystems operate. There have been multiple sets of permaculture principles employed over the years. Here are a few examples, from three different prominent permaculture teachers:
Bill Mollison, David Holmgren, and Starhawk.
What does CoLab Project Manager Aimee Fenech have to say about Permaculture Principles?
“When I started reading up on permaculture, gosh it feels like many years ago now… I was not aware of all the principles out there, only the David Holmgren 12 principles of permaculture and some of the Bill Mollison Attitudinal Principles.
As time went on and my study deepened, my favourite principles became Birch’s Six Principles of Natural Systems – I teach these principles in my Introduction to Permaculture Courses as well as introduce the idea that students can go away and research permaculture principles others have written perhaps as inspiration to write their own.
If you’re interested in digging into more principles, some can be found here.”