Convergence Research
A research into tools, best practices and learnings from various online, blended and live permaculture convergence organisers across the globe.
Aimee Fenech, Cormac Harkin
Reporting Officer: Aimee Fenech
Previously also: Cândida Shinn, Daniel Mello-Mattos, Maria Prieto, Annaik LeNet, Naomi Joy Smith
Network Weaving, Next Steps project, Capacity+ project
objectives for 2022
Convergence organisers and participants will benefit from this work with access to learnings from previous experiences and recommendations. By working with members of PIRN, IPCC and others we will be strengthening the collaboration bonds between teams whilst working towards a common goal. We will also be raising the visibility of CoLab in the larger permaculture community.
A design and collection of effective practices and most common challenges, feedback that convergence organisers can refer to when preparing online and blended convergences and that other permaculture colab Circles and organizers can integrate into strategy about services to offer to organizers in the permaculture movement.
objectives for 2023
– Springboard from findings in case studies performed in the previous research phase.
– Ongoing identification of convergences to include in proceeding stages of research.
– Share findings of the research using a variety of methods.
– Perform outreach via a diversity of channels and methods, within and beyond CoLab.
– Collaborate with the CoLab “Global Permaculture Movement Map” and “Permaculture Convergence website aggregator” activities.
OUTCOMES for 2023
The initiated collaboration with the Permaculture Convergence Website and the Global Permaculture Movement Map teams will prove to be key in the next year to share future developed resources further, especially with event organisers.
The CoLab communications team has assisted in handling external and internal communications with CoLab members and perma.earth newsletter readers.
objectives for 2024
1. Training resources for event organizers.
2. Outreach from the research team.
3. External Research through consultants/existing organisers of events.
4. Case studies to check hypothesis (eg. problem = lack of training on subject a, > provided with training > how has this changed from starting point).
Outcomes 2024
The Convergence Research team has partnered with the Permaculture Convergence website team to share resources, the research team is contributing with resources and the website team provides the infrastructure for publication and helping with the communications.
You can find the website here: https://permacultureconvergence.org/
December update:
We have onboarded a new team member Cormac Harkin who worked on video editing in order to optimize the content we have for publication, to add to the conversations with convergence organisers series, 2 videos have been released and can be found on the CoLab Youtube channel here: https://youtu.be/u_JCgvlGRbg & https://youtu.be/j7hyVgydEsY
You can now participate in our research project by visiting permacultureconvergence.org and going to Research.