Global Permaculture Movement Map

What is this project doing?

The aim of this project is to create an online map of strategic permaculture associations and networks worldwide.

We want the map to be accessible, and able to be updated and maintained by the community.  In future phases of work, we hope to include local groups and projects on the map.

Who are the beneficiaries of this project?

  • People in the network globally
  • New entrants (individuals new to permaculture) that want to connect to projects, groups and organisations near them
  • Permaculture organisations, networks and groups that want to connect and collaborate, and attract new entrants.

How will it make an impact?

This project will allow greater self-organisation across the network and better ’self-knowledge’, leading to improved funding proposals, events and effective organising. It will also facilitate growth of the movement by enabling interested individuals to connect with their local networks, groups and projects.

How will this map be different to other permaculture maps currently out there?

Strategic and scalable.  Initially our map will mainly be a strategic network building tool. We have put considerable effort into to understanding current permaculture organisations/networks worldwide. Thinking from patterns to details, we will map strategic organisations first, and intend to add local groups (and eventually projects) as the map evolves and people (users) respond and share feedback on it. 

 Up-to-date information.  Our data will be checked and confirmed annually, so will always be up-to-date.  Good processes for who/when/how the map will be updated are essential for providing a positive experience for diverse users at any time. This is one of our key design aims.

  ‘Ownership’ of the map database will be federated – meaning regional datasets can be stewarded by regional representatives.  This could be at continental level but potentially national too.  A distributed network is more resilient than a centralised one.  In the meantime, the International CoLab will steward on behalf of regions until they are ready.   

 Datasets will be available to, and usable by, strategic permaculture organisations.  We will also be exploring with the team at Murmurations the possibility to integrate with organisations’ CRM / contact databases.  

Accessibility – we aim to make our map visible and accessible on any device and any browser, and usable even with limited internet bandwidth.

 Data will be open source and distributed – meaning the data will be available to other mappers. This means mapped entities could be featured on other relevant 3rd party  maps in future, without needing to collect data again. This will be via the pioneering Murmurations protocol.  Murmurations is a protocol designed for data interoperability, meaning data can be easily mixed and matched for use cases beyond simple mapping. 

Functionality. The map design is considering a comprehensive list of actors and potential users. Their main needs have been identified, and while the initial version might not include an extensive range of functions, there is a commitment to continue developing the map and add more functions over time. We’re hoping the map will help users to identify and contact potential partners to develop future projects.  Our data profiles will be ‘rich’ both in terms of searchability, and also potentially integrate with other rich content elsewhere in e.g.  stories, impact, funding collaborations.


Kate Swatridge, Andy Goldring, Maria Paez

Reporting Officer: Kate Swatridge


Network Weaving, Next Steps Project

objectives 2023

1. Review existing permaculture maps (and databases and surveys) (e.g. Permaculture Association Britain (PAB) database, Permaculture Global (Geoff Lawton), P. Convergence aggregator website database, The Next Big Step organisational survey, EUPN Europe map, etc). 

2. Publish list of current maps, with notes on their uses and limitations, on an initial project webpage on

3. Identify expected map users and their needs.

4. Define who to be included on the map (in this phase of funding and in future phases).  As part of this, collaborate with Outreach & Engagement project team to develop a taxonomy of permaculture movement for the purposes of CoLab.

5. Draft a high level specification for the map (to include purpose, audience, accessibility requirements, data fields, desired features and functionality). 

6. On-board the new International Coordinator from PAB to this project.

7. Find and recruit mapping tech person to help deliver map as per specification (which can evolve as we learn).

8. Review initial mapping software review work done by Luis Tiago. Do further research of Free Open Source Software (FOSS) mapping platforms as required and select one. ( )

9. Identify data fields to be included on the map. Draft questions for the data collection form. Set up form.

10. Administer a pilot survey (using data collection form) to a mix of at least 20 regional and national networks or associations.  Test questions and use data to create a very simple Pilot Map v1. To enable data testing as minimum, could also seek feedback from potential users and mapees, and may also test platform. This may or may not be on the desired mapping platform.

11. Complete a phase 1 retrospective and design phase 2 and phase 3 of the project.


So far, we have:

  • Researched existing permaculture maps, some other online maps and current mapping technology.
  • Developed a simple taxonomy of the permaculture movement.
  • Been defining who we expect to include on the map in phase 1.
  • Started a high level specification and design exploration giving consideration to overall structure, and where and how the underlying database will be updated and stewarded.
  • Welcomed and onboarded to the team the International Coordinator from Permaculture Association Britain.

objectives 2024

1. Develop and launch a pilot map prototype.

2. Design feedback approaches and implement updates and suggested improvements based on the feedback received.

3. Establish a clear database and data input strategy.

4. Define, test and implement a system/process to work with map stewards.

5. Create and implement a strategy to increase map visibility and visitor engagement.

6. Scope future requirements and secure funding for continued map development and maintenance.

7. Create and implement strategy to acquire more organisations listed on the map.


resources created

contact links