Permaculture Convergence Aggregator

The Permaculture Convergence Website will provide a history of permaculture convergences in the world. It will capture resources and promote support services to permaculture convergence organisers.

Project Aims

Bring to life a website to celebrate past convergences and offer support to future convergences.

The grant helps to support the website development, cover domain, hosting and project costs, micro enterprise development and service design.


Capacity+ team: Kate Swatridge, Luis Tiago

Next Steps team (current team): Aimee Fenech, Ewan Findley, Xavier Bruzaud Grille, Candida Shinn, Daniel Mello Mattos

Reporting Officer: Aimee Fenech


Network Weaving, Next Steps project

objectives – Capacity+

We will to create a system that would make it easy for any individual, community or initiative to find accurate and up to date information about the various convergences we had until today online.

We will try to recover the lost information and provide a long term safe digital place to host that content.

We will also support the digital circle to spread its work and sustain in the long term for this digital infrastructure, finding ways of extra funding (donations ).

We will also continue to support the creation of new relations with those who are already in the movement.

We will continue weaving the work that the permaculture research convergence proposal group has done.


OUTCOMEs – capacity+

A website to catalyze collaboration in the international permaculture community, gathering online content of the permaculture convergences existing local, regional, and at a global scale. It will contribute as a online hub to support permaculture by mapping the diversity of content existing past convergences, has a historical hub and enableling new visions for future convergences.



objectives – next steps project 2023

1. Receive a handover from the previous team about work already done.

2. Put together a strategy on how to approach this project and define/update objectives for year 1.

3. Identify costs for the services needed from the Digital Circle during this first year.

4. Put together an MVP for the website.

5. Put together a micro-enterprise development strategy document.

OUTCOMEs – next steps project 2023

objectives – next steps project 2024

1. Develop a Business strategy and implementation plan to continue the work beyond funding

2. Develop a Counseling prototype service within the micro-enterprise.

3. Maintain the website content including events and it’s infrastructure.

update september 2024

We have setup a partnership with the convergence research team, we will publish research and resource materials on our website: and open up an ongoing survey to keep collecting valuable data for the research team.

We have ramped up our communications effort to publicize our project and reach a wider audience and the CoLab using the linkedin channel:

Maintenance on the website and features enhancement continues with the addition of new events to the calendar and the history of convergence timeline.