Digital Products Research and Development

Research and development of digital products for the colab and allied networks.


Aimee Fenech, Ewan Findley

Reporting Officer: Aimee Fenech


Prototyping, Next Steps Project

objectives 2023

1. Identify CoLab / wider needs using information already available in the network, convergences report, previous meetings etc.

2. Document & Publish research already available & additional findings in the research phase.

3. Prototype new offerings, including installation, training and onboarding.


Some Digital products R&D happens in and around other work tasks, as and when small pieces of research into tools (eg best choices, alternatives etc) comes up.  As such it can be tricky to track time accurately. Future larger pieces of more focused research will be simpler to track and log.

objectives 2024

1. Grow the open-source tools database through research and documentation.

2. Record and release demos for tools used within the CoLab.

3. Support exploration into ethical digital tools for self-organised teams.

september 2024 update

We have been working on increasing the data in our opensource tools database which can be found here:

People can contribute to the opensource tools database here:\_-5mDskj_EpXGO9aQ

We plan to start again with the Open Source tools demos in Q4 – these will be publish on the CoLab Youtube channel here:

resources created

contact links