Emergent Festival


The Emergent Festival is an opportunity for active members of the International Permaculture CoLab to test out and bring to light micro projects, enhancements to existing activities, or explorations of new ideas over a short period of time – 6 months + supporting events.


It is also an opportunity to bring new people into the CoLab, as long as they are supported and held by current active members with the intention to remain active in this space.


Project Aims

To make visible what is emergent in the community within the agreed International Permaculture CoLab Vision Mission and Aims.

To allow active members of the International Permaculture CoLab to support emergent projects within and on the edge of the CoLab



Jyo Maan, Jorge Barbosa, Aimee Fenech


Diversity, participation and engagement, Emergent Festival, Next Steps project

objectives 2023

CoLab members can pitch their ideas and will receive funding through a process of allocation of monies by the most active CoLab members.


Teams that went ahead and their received budgets 

Communicating Permaculture in Spanish
Budget: 510.45 GBP

Stories to Decolonise Permaculture
Budget: 610 GBP

Domestic Waste Water Systems – Legislation?
Budget: 876.15 GBP

CoLab Podcast
Budget: 914.35 GBP

Designing Work Spaces For All 
Budget: 682.15 GBP

Permaculture Places in the Metaverse
Budget: 612.30 GBP

Tepla Gora Eco Market
Budget: 294.30 GBP

objectives 2024

CoLab members can pitch their ideas and will receive funding through a process of allocation of monies by the most active CoLab members.


resources created

See individual project pages. 

contact links