Welcoming and Community Garden Conversations

Welcoming and induction in the CoLab community using different modes of engagement (eg one to one, on-boarding, events etc). Monthly onboarding calls, adhoc one to one calls, mid-yearly events to promote and highlight projects and initiatives in the colab and the wider network.

An invitation to come to the table, weaving projects and connections for resilience, collaboration, and scaffolding.


Please note that from 2024 the Welcome Gardening Project also encompasses the Skill Mapping and Community Platform Facilitation projects. 


Jyo Maan, Aimee Fenech, Daniel Atwell

Reporting Officer: Jyo Maan


Circle incubation and nourishment, Diversity, participation and engagement, Network weaving, Next Steps project

objectives 2023

1. Co-design facilitated calls in line with the frequency outlined in the higher objectives:
– Monthly onboarding.
– Mid-yearly community weaving.

2. Offer adhoc one-to-one calls to members of the CoLab when needed e.g. if they express a wish to become active quickly in one or more circles or working groups.

3. Raw meeting recordings, chat history & any notes accessible through a shared drive for half yearly community contributors gatherings.

4. Digestible artifacts, eg. Pre-call welcoming email with the Communications Coordinator: who we are, what we are doing, what you can expect and what we expect of you and after an onboarding call: what now, who to talk to, where to go, skills mapping update request.

5. Closing triangles – matching people coming in with spaces and people in the ecosystem to help them orient themselves e.g. project / person looking for funding refer to Tanya in the funding circle, add person to the channel and show them how to find the funding opportunities database.

6. Brief follow up some months in, how are people doing, are they active, if no, why not, what additional support could be available?

7. Retrospective of on-boarding and engagement process to turn learnings into process improvements ongoing and annual.


1. Co-design facilitated calls in line with the frequency outlined in the higher objectives:
– Monthly onboarding.
– Mid-yearly community weaving.

2. Offer adhoc one-to-one calls to members of the CoLab when needed e.g. if they express a wish to become active quickly in one or more circles or working groups.

3. Raw meeting recordings, chat history & any notes accessible through a shared drive for half yearly community contributors gatherings.

4.  Digestible artifacts, eg. Pre-call welcoming email with the Communications Coordinator: who we are, what we are doing, what you can expect and what we expect of you and after an onboarding call: what now, who to talk to, where to go, skills mapping update request.

5. Closing triangles – matching people coming in with spaces and people in the ecosystem to help them orient themselves e.g. project / person looking for funding refer to Tanya in the funding circle, add person to the channel and show them how to find the funding opportunities database.

6. PARTIALLY MET: Brief follow up some months in, how are people doing, are they active, if no, why not, what additional support could be available? – additional support aspects have not had the time to follow.

7. Retrospective of on-boarding and engagement process to turn learnings into process improvements ongoing and annual. 


objectives 2024

1. Promote and participate in Conversational Community Gardening. – present in research, education, digital and human technology, on-boarding & engagement.

2. Welcoming and induction in the community using different modes of engagements.

3. Maintenance of existing community database and making this accessible to the community.

4. Community platform facilitation.

resources created

contact links