Permaculture Glossary

Permaculture Glossary

Create a glossary for CoLab and permaculture, including linking to related terms from other disciplines. Enable community contributions to glossary.


Ewan Findley, Kate Swatridge

Reporting Officer: Ewan Findley


Emergent festival, Next Steps project, Prototyping


1. Research and list current glossary efforts from across the network (by end April)

2. Review different approaches taken to the above list and evaluate pros/cons (by end April)

3. Define needs of a new glossary system based on learnings, include the consideration of a community contributed maintenance model (by end May)

4. Design new glossary system (by end of June)

5. Begin collecting terms and definitions from networks, in part from volunteers, in part by aggregating data already collected with permissions (July to end of September)

6. Build new glossary system (July to end of September)

7. Publish and promote glossary across networks in CoLab Slack, website, newsletter & ask others to share and start using it (September)

8. Strategy for continued stewardship (September)


resources created

contact links

African Landless Permaculturist Project: Ikhwelo Healers Collective

African Landless Permaculturist Project: Ikhwelo Healers Collective

Tackling ‘landless permaculturists’ in Southern Africa to decolonise and democratise permaculture through research into creative low-capital options.


Siobhan Vida Ashmole, Dr Fikile Marbel Vilakazi-Alberts (PhD), Leonora Alberts-Vilakazi, Ntsikelelo Colossa

Reporting Officer: Siobhan Vida Ashmole


Grassroots permaculture project, Emergent festival, Next Steps project, Diversity, participation and engagement


Conduct field and desk research on alternative land-access options in South Africa for landless permaculturists with limited capital and credit. In months 1-4, we’ll investigate opportunities, processes, costs, and relevant laws, learning from successful low-capital permaculturists and land gatekeepers.

Compare these options with SADC countries for regional fit (Month 4).

Publish a guide on creative land access for permaculture, disseminate to grassroots groups in permaculture, traditional healing, agroecology, and food sovereignty, initially in English and one indigenous language, potential future translations/videos.(Month 4-5)

Develop a framework from our research to address land access and use in Southern Africa, offering insights for the rest of Africa, the Global South, and landless permaculturists globally. This framework and our findings will be shared with the CoLab to inspire and enable similar regional initiatives. (Month 6)


resources created

contact links

Permaculture in Africa

Permaculture in Africa

We would like to explore the possibility of incubating a circle that would bridge the gap between grassroots projects in Africa and the CoLab (and beyond). 


Aimee Fenech, Aline VaMo, Siobhan Vida Ashmole, Josie Redmonds

Reporting Officer, Aimee Fenech


Prototyping, Emergent festival, Next Steps project, Diversity, participation and engagement


We would like to conduct a picture forming exercise to put together a Vision, Mission and Aims for this project that is co-created by stakeholders present in the CoLab

Starting with answering:

  • what could be the main objectives of this project

  • what could be the next steps in order to get the project on the road

  • Who needs to be included and consulted to make this project effective?

  • What do we consider effective and impactful here?

At the end of this exercise we should be able to:

  1. produce a co-created VMAs

  2. identify next steps & have enough information for an action plan

  3. Identify possible collaborators/ important groups we should consider working together with

We aim to complete this exercise between March 18 and April 15 and would release the findings during the Emergent Festival.


resources created

contact links

Next Steps Project

Next Steps Project

The Next Steps Project is funded by a permaculture aligned Foundation which prefers to remain anonymous. This group funded project includes a number of projects within the CoLab from the start of 2023 through to the end of 2025. For more information on individual projects, see the Projects page. 


Project Manager: Aimee Fenech

Evaluation and Monitoring: Kate Swatridge

Funding and Grant Writing: Tanya Medukha

Communications Officer: Charlie Wilson

Financial Admin: Nataliia Bryzhytska


Next Steps project



To support new research and existing research projects on the ground and online pertaining to permaculture and it’s wider applications including digital ethical tools, monitoring and evaluation techniques, permaculture convergences and working towards a more connected permaculture movement.

Offer a tailormade training programme for the colab and allied networks and communities.

To provide the colab services in order to continue it’s work in line with the vision, mission and aims.

To provide access to Digital Tools needed by CoLab projects.

To support engagement initiatives in the colab and with allied networks and communities.

Support emergent projects in the colab & with allied networks & communities.

Support diversity & decolonization activities, training & participation in the CoLab.

Fiscal Host costs.


resources created

See individual project pages

contact links

Domestic Waste Water Systems – Legislation?

Domestic Waste Water Systems - Legislation?

On the list of climate actions any home with a garden can “easily” engage in, we’d like to see the topic of Domestic Waste Watershow to avoid them and how to reuse them in our immediate landscapes; for food resilience, for wildfire prevention, for shelterbelts for biodiversity and so on.

The NBS of reedbeds or other phytopurifying installations are well known solutions already for working with grey waters. WET-lands or leeching fields can also take higher levels of “contamination”. Vermicomposting toilets work, and in combination with a secondary and terciary purifying process (aquatic plants in gravel beds + woodchip bowls or channels in combination with vegetation) provide a nutrient rich water source for our foodscapes, firebelts and biodiversity hedges.

Project Aims

We feel there is a need for awareness raising of these Nature Based Solutions on a domestic scale as well as a lack of transparency in legislation in these matters.

Therefore we would like to take time to list European and maybe also global legal frameworks that allow to reuse domestic waste waters in our gardens and under which circumstances.

We want to identify and document case studies and free up funds to conduct proper research such as laboratory tests on effluents of maturing and mature systems and/or soil irrigated with these effluents.

Ideally we can give anyone working with water professionally the jumping board they need to back up their often innovative (to the ears of some) solutions in front of administrations or their clients, especially now that we are living a general time of droughts and floods in many areas of the globe.


Aline VaMo, Kinga Milankovics

Reporting Officer: Aline VaMo


Prototyping, Emergent festival, Next Steps project 


April 2023

1. Survey

    1. During the 2 months survey we gather information about already existing material online in the form of infographics, articles, documents, professional services and projects in favour of using the NBS mentioned above and document the resources found in a NextCloud folder and spreadsheet with links.
    2. During this stage we also search for legislation and list interesting resources or research papers mentioning such legislation in a spreadsheet and NextCloud folder.
  1. Analysis: During this 2 months’ phase we go through the materials found and identify the top 3 case studies, the top 3 legal frameworks to work within and the top 3 habits to adopt for optimal reuse of your domestic waste waters
  2. Design: In the last phase of again 2 months we will edit the data and the raw material, and pour it into an informative, professional looking, educational slideshow presentation that can be shared online.


September 2023 Update

So far we have started a database that is open to the public and which we hope you can can add resources to:

We are working on pouring the key findings and case studies of this Emergent Festival funded project into a shareable presentation format, which should be ready by the end of October, as per the “Next Steps Project” outline for this edition of the festival.

resources created

1/ Database of Resources (legislation in different languages, case studies, forums, information, books, training and more) – (hoping this link works as a collaborative document for anyone visiting the project webpage)

2/ Presentation of findings, as per objectives – 3 legal frameworks in the spotlight (EU in the end), 3 case studies, 3 top recommendations for the home

contact links