PermR’s case studies

PermR’s case studies

This project aims to inspire and empower researchers, academics and practitioners to
pursue research in areas related to the art and science of permaculture. It does this by
narrating and making widely known the research journey of scientists and academics
working with permaculture within their scientific discipline.
In a similar fashion to the LAND Network and the IPEN Case Studies (which share the
stories of permaculture demonstration sites and well-established projects, respectively),
this project will share the stories and successes, barriers, and hurdles of those who have
chosen to explore the academic potential of permaculture.
The above will be achieved via the production and dissemination of a series of case
studies of Permaculture Researchers (PermR) and will be implemented by
Permaculture international research network coordinating team (PIRN CT).

Find the PIRN website here. 


Dennis Touliatos, Andy
Goldring, Christina M. Sayson


Network Weaving, Capacity+ project


This work will directly benefit the wider permaculture network of academics and practitioners by giving PermR a practitioner-based platform to disseminate their research work and findings. It will democratize permaculture research by disseminating, in simple
and inclusive language, the work of scientists and academics working with permaculture within their scientific discipline.
Importantly, this work will inspire and empower researchers, academics and practitioners to pursue research in areas related to permaculture by demonstrating the achievements of their peers that chose to work with permaculture.
Furthermore, this project will reenergize the PIRN network, engagement, and will bring people into more active collaboration.


This project will deliver 20 case studies of researchers and academics working with permaculture within two years.
Output: The case studies will comprise a two-page pdf document. The first page will include a picture of the PermR, a short bio and their responses to two questions. The second page will include their responses to three questions; the PIRN and CoLab logos
and a brief bio of the PIRN coordinator that created the case study. A template will be prepared to be used in all case studies to ensure consistency.
Dissemination: A communication strategy will be created to support the sharing of case studies. The case studies will initially be published on the Permaculture Association’s PIRN
website. These will then be circulated via PIRN’s mailing list, on social media and via other press.

Convergence Research

Convergence Research

A research into tools, best practices and learnings from various online, blended and live permaculture convergence organisers across the globe.


Aimee Fenech, Cândida Shinn, Daniel Mello-Mattos

Reporting Officer: Aimee Fenech

Previously also: Maria Prieto, Annaik LeNet, Naomi Joy Smith


Network Weaving, Next Steps project, Capacity+ project

objectives for 2022

Convergence organisers and participants will benefit from this work with access to learnings from previous experiences and recommendations. By working with members of PIRN, IPCC and others we will be strengthening the collaboration bonds between teams whilst working towards a common goal. We will also be raising the visibility of CoLab in the larger permaculture community.


A design and collection of effective practices and most common challenges, feedback that convergence organisers can refer to when preparing online and blended convergences and that other permaculture colab Circles and organizers can integrate into strategy about services to offer to organizers in the permaculture movement.

objectives for 2023

–  Springboard from findings in case studies performed in the previous research phase.

–  Ongoing identification of convergences to include in proceeding stages of research.

–  Share findings of the research using a variety of methods.

–  Perform outreach via a diversity of channels and methods, within and beyond CoLab.

–  Collaborate with the CoLab “Global Permaculture Movement Map” and “Permaculture Convergence website aggregator” activities.

OUTCOMES for 2023

The project went from harvesting insights from the previous years’ report, to identifying key areas to focus further research, finalising with a second phase of surveys. These were a fruitful time interviewing event organisers, capturing their amazing experiences.

The initiated collaboration with the Permaculture Convergence Website and the Global Permaculture Movement Map teams will prove to be key in the next year to share future developed resources further, especially with event organisers.

The CoLab communications team has assisted in handling external and internal communications with CoLab members and newsletter readers.

objectives for 2024

1. Training resources for event organizers.

2. Outreach from the research team.

3. External Research through consultants/existing organisers of events.

4. Case studies to check hypothesis (eg. problem = lack of training on subject a, > provided with training > how has this changed from starting point).

OUTCOMES for 2024



For the Digital Circle support team to provide tech support to the 14th International Permaculture Convergence at various levels including:
* web development

* appropriate technology research and consultation

* support before and during the event

* support facilitation of good legacy between the current event and subsequent events

With the understanding that this work is made available to subsequent events organizers

Click Here For the IPC14 Website


Aimee Fenech, Luis Tiago


Network Weaving, Capacity+ project


Tech support starting immediately and coming up to the IPC14 event before and during the event as well if needed. As outlined in the description of this proposal.


Opensource documentation of the process and building of the services are we learn from this project to support future projects. Enable the IPC14 team to focus on other aspects of the event organisation. Create an opportunity for the CoLab to widen its horizons by collaborating and perhaps as we take on more work also provide additional sustainable livelihoood opportunities to new digital circle members.

Global South Permaculture Network

Global South Engagement

Research is working to grow as a network and provide value for the researchers and permaculture practitioners that constitute it. It is also attempting to reestablish PIRN (or an alternative to it) as a hub for researchers interested in sharing their findings and ideas. In the interest of fostering diversity and uplifting the voices of the marginalized, it was determined that extra effort would be needed to engage people from the Global South to help the network bloom into a welcoming, diverse, and inclusive space.


Christina M. Sayson, Philipp Grunewald


Diversity, Participation & Engagement, Capacity+ project


The PCColab will benefit by having its circles widened/deepened by the increased engagement of members/new members from the Global South whose voices may not have been heard before. It has been my observation that despite efforts to change this, the PCColab is still very much a Global North-dominated space, where White voices are the ones most frequently heard. In making the conscious effort to reach out to those of the Global South, we would be saying, “You’re welcome here. You can participate. It isn’t just about us, this space is yours too.”


Permaculture researchers/practitioners will benefit from connecting to each other at the international level and by accessing opportunities to work as part of the Permaculture CoLab.


  • A list of Global South permaculture researchers and practitioners willing to participate in co-leading the reinvigoration of an international permaculture research network and its initiatives
  • Meeting interested individuals: eliciting their interests, motivations, opportunities and barriers.
  • The scheduling of at least one meeting with a group of these researchers and practitioners to co-ideate the next steps they would like to take to grow permaculture research networks at an international level
  • The development of a concrete Global South Engagement Plan based on the matters discussed in the meeting or meetings described above
  • Integrate all of the above, if appropriate, with Philipp’s work on reinvigorating international permaculture research networks

Possible Futures


POSSIBLE FUTURES is a series of dialogues conceived between the Global Regeneration CoLab (GRC) and the Permaculture CoLab in an attempt to address the lack of representation of Global South networks and communities within both CoLabs. 

It is being organised together with GRC and/or Permaculture CoLab members Lua Couto, Anna Denardin, Sahana Chattopadhyay and Samantha Suppiah – with support from Naomi Joy Smith. I am a member of the GRC Activation (core) Team, and Naomi Joy Smith is part of the Capacity+ team within Permaculture CoLab.


Samantha Suppiah


Diversity, Participation & Engagement, Capacity+ project


The event itself will comprise of panel discussions and breakout conversations around the Global South’s common histories, our visions of the future, and regeneration through pluriversality (i.e. beyond diversity and inclusion) – through embracing a concept of “many worlds within one“. Confirmed speakers include Chief Ninawá, indigenous leader of the Amazon’s Huni Kuin peoples, and Red Constantino, of Agam and global anthologies.

This seeks to deliver a better understanding of our often unseen and unheard histories, through which we can see more clearly our contemporary human world.


Post-event, we will be producing various types of content in different languages to further the visibility and importance of spreading these discussions into public discourse. Our core partners are to be credited with each piece of content, further exposing both CoLabs to more of the Global South.


  • Outreach – visibility for both CoLabs
  • Building understanding between the Global North and the Global South
  • Helping to address key issues within CoLab around diversity
  • Collaboration with a well-known international institution, TED


Much value will be found for those from the Global South – rich dialogues build a strong sense of solidarity and community in understanding our world, realising the need for global regeneration through healing, identity-building and community-growing as real, long-term actions for deep climate adaptation. Permaculture principles and design will be a key outcome of this eventual work.


There is huge learning potential for those from the Global North too – all are invited to listen and absorb. To practice observing the hidden narratives and issues that are suddenly visible through POSSIBLE FUTURES.