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This is a Three Phase project to design and catalyze an event-based economy for the Permaculture CoLab and our broader social ecosystem; to increase both quality and quantity of engagement, build relationships across aligned movements and organizations, and develop members’ capacities.
The Three Phases are:
Naomi Joy Smith, Keala Young
Diversity, Participation & Engagement, Capacity+ project
We want to design and run a solid project that accelerates Capacity+ goals by creating openings for various stakeholder groups to participate, meeting 4 core social needs: playing, learning, working & strengthening connections.
By designing guidelines and resources for events across the CoLab ecosystem, and then deliberately training CoLab members and prospective contributors in this system, we will ignite an organic increase in engagement and capacity building, driving forward a bulk of Capacity+ deliverables by applying focus on this key question: how, when and why we meet with whom, and what formats are available to work with?
A scaffolding for increasing engagement, which looks like:
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The CoLab has been experimenting with its current form over the past 3-5 years. The reports from 2020 show that there are barriers to involvement with the CoLab, and other tensions within it. This is a good time to practice the core Permaculture Principle of “Accept Feedback & Apply Self-Regulation” in the CoLab ecosystem.
Building on their investment in understanding the CoLab, we are proposing to lead a Permaculture Design Process to support the CoLab to collaboratively develop the next iteration of a design for itself.
Jillian Hovey, Philipp Grunewald
Diversity, Participation & Engagement, Capacity+ project
Will be a learning journey of applying permaculture ethics, principles, and design methodologies to the needs and yields, elements and functions of the CoLab. This process will hold space for what wants to emerge, and support permaculture thinking, tools and skills to become more of a fundamental literacy & practice in the Permaculture CoLab. The intention is to “Accelerate Succession” and co-create more conscious, healthy and regenerative patterns and pathways for the Permaculture CoLab, which will support the CoLab in becoming more effective at delivering its Vision, Mission, and Aims (VMAs).
– An integral aspect of healthy systems is to have feedback loops so that the system can learn and grow in increasingly regenerative ways.
– To practice permaculture and regeneration, it is important to co-create environments where we can learn to collaboratively accept and apply feedback and self-regulate, and support the CoLab to evolve and become more effective. In doing this, we can co-create the next stages of understanding of the ecosystem that will support the value flows that will support Earth Care, People Care, and Fair Share.
– A Permaculture Design process for the CoLab, can hold space for these learning loops in a permaculture framework where we can learn together in a collaborative design process. This can stimulate and include existing and potential CoLab members to bring more of their intelligences, passions, and possibilities, to a mutually-designed and regenerative Permaculture CoLab.
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Picking suitable and ethical software to create a mapping prototype for people and organizations involved in the CoLab, creating a mapping tool with Colab member and organization information to serve as a collaboration resource to all members.
Pushpak Parmar, Tanya Medukha
Network Weaving, Capacity+ project
Research work aligns with Mapping prototype funding priority. The research and design process sets up the necessary groundwork for mapping tool utilization in creation of the mapping prototype which would clearly display members and organizations and what they bring to permaculture CoLab.
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The focus of this work will be to develop a Communications Strategy for the CoLab, embodying it by doing work to satisfy some of the immediate communications needs of various parts of the CoLab. By collecting information from reports, and interactions with people and groups, they will observe and interact with the existing communications patterns in the CoLab. Out of that process, the Guild will develop a communication and engagement strategy based on Permaculture and Regenerative principles, one that honors and aims to accelerate the succession of the Vision, Mission and Aims (VMAs) of CoLab and its members.
Jillian Hovey, Lauren Minis, Luis Tiago
Diversity, Participation & Engagement, Capacity+ project
Inspire a culture, practices, and guidelines that we weave into the CoLab through various forms of engagement focused on bringing the communications work alive in the CoLab.
– Co-designing engagement and communications strategies for permaculture networks.
– Designing transparent ways for “external” individuals to get involved with ongoing CoLab processes and Capacity+ work (this will be supported by others in its implementation).
– Promoting the micro-enterprises being incubated in CoLab and advertising their services (being responsive to each one’s needs and designing for synergies).
– Development of Communications Micro-enterprises for financial sustainability of communications domain within CoLab.
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People from the international permaculture community, who have some
background in funding, are being strategically invited to co-create
the Funding Circle and its VMAs. Materials developed for this
outreach will be coordinated with the Welcoming and Communications
functions of the CoLab, with a view to also support those invited to
explore joining the CoLab. A funding database of funding
opportunities and funding clients will be set up, and a first funding
application supported. The intention is to become a self-sustaining
Funding Circle supporting the ongoing work in this domain, which will
benefit the Permaculture CoLab and its members.
Aimee Fenech, Jillian Hovey, Lauren Minis
Circle incubation and nourishment, Capacity+ project
Facilitate the co-creation of a prototype Funding Circle with its Vision, Mission, and Aims (VMAs) collaboratively shaped, where the Circle is activated to further its own development with a view to becoming self-sustaining
– Set up a funding page on the website where funding opportunities are made public, include profiles of freelancers and consultants in the funding field
– Set up a repository of funding applications (both successful and otherwise) on the pccolab nextcloud instance which funding writers / colab members can consult with submissions from colab members and beyond
– Develop a microenterprise framework to support funding applicants to look for and apply for funds, where potential freelance fundraisers have been identified, paired, and invited to explore fundraising for the CoLab and its members
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